Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How To: Set A New Standard In Restroom Demarcation

The area where I work in the National Gallery of Art's West Building was recently elaborately renovated. What once looked like a particularly dowdy college library back hallway now, after two years of work, resembles a mental hospital designed by a tech-gadget fetishist. So that's a big improvement! It's a little like working in a Stanley Kubrick film.

One thing the crew has been lagging on, however, has been the labeling stage. Months into our relocation into our newly shiny and austerely glamorous digs, our offices and facilities are still labeled with room numbers scrawled in Sharpie on masking tape. How gauche! Finally, I decided I had to do something better, at least for two prominent rooms:

They work so well! Now, everybody in the hallway is hoping the designers will make Nancy and Sluggo the new standard of restroom signage at the Gallery. But why stop there? Demand it everywhere you go in your city! Or make your own!


Cartophiliac said...

Awesome! Can you provide us with links to good quality images I can print out? I'll paste them over existing signage at my workplace!

Peteykins said...

I just added a link to the file at the end of the post. Yay!

Cartophiliac said...

And posted!

Fran said...

Now that is perfect. I am taking this to work with me!

Anonymous said...

I'm so doing this tomorrow.
Great idea!

Dr. Monkey said...


Comrade Physioprof said...



The zeitgeist of Nancy and Sluggo.