Oooooh, maybe soon I'll have Sparklecrush Jen Rubin all to myself as she rejects yet another boyfriend. This time she's all, like, OMG Rick Santorum is kinda crazy! She's just now figuring this out! She used to be one of his most dependable cheerleaders, and now she's... so not.
In fact, she's now doing her trademarked bash-a-thon against Rick, just as she did previously against Newt and Herman Cain and Rick Perry. Here are some recent posts:
- Women –Republican women!– hate Santorum. "It is surprising he isn't doing even worse among women voters," says Jen.
- Romney: so much better than Obama or Santorum.
- Santorum: so much worse than Romney in regard to being a preachy whiner.
- Santorum: so much worse than Romney on economic prudence.
- Jen is startled by "revelation" of public Santorum quote from three years ago.
- Jen's friends at Neocon Central (Commentary) hate Rick and so now does Jen!
- Rick Santorum is a reactionary rather than a conservative, says reactionary conservative Jen Rubin. Technically this is absolutely true, but consider the source.
So anyway, you get the picture. And this is Jen, who just a few months ago was big-upping Rick as often as possible! Then she kind of changed tone, voicing her distress with his constantly sex-obsessive nutty talk, but she adopted a "wait 'n' see" tone that suggested that Santorum is just an enthusiastic newcomer, rough around the edges, inexperienced at all this "running for office" stuff, and that he'd calm down and get better. Jennifer! The man has been a full-time politician for decades! He isn't going to get any "better."
This last point is funny stuff, and I recommend that you go hunting for it, because a lot of Santorum apologists are trying out this "he's just new and overexcited" argument. Look here, it's Bill O'Reilly doing it:
Look, Santorum is a guy is who is inexperienced in this arena. He got drawn into a few things. He’s made some past comments. Everybody has dopey past comments… so we have to cut him a little slack…
LOLZ! He was in the House of Representatives for two terms, and in the Senate for over a decade... that doesn't sound like a person "inexperienced in this arena."
The other funny thing is that Rubin acts like Santorum just suddenly and uncharacteristically started saying crazy things, and that this comes as a surprise to her. Bullshit. Jennifer, you knew full well Santorum was way out there, but since he toed the Neocon line, you were willing to overlook his religious zaniness until it got too embarrassing, so don't act all startled, like his nuttiness is a "revelation." I'm guessing that most of the people reading this blog right now haven't been surprised by anything he's said recently, am I right? (UPDATE: I really like Jim Newell, back at Wonkette, on this topic: "We now have to consider the possibility: Could it be that Rick Santorum is something of a religious nut?")
But anyway, Jennifer Rubin has officially broken up with Rick Santorum and now hates, hates, hates him. Romance is dead.
She's so fickle! It's, like, you could almost think she was secretly swooning for Mittens the whole time, and just puffing up other candidates when the GOP Flavor-of-the-Week was in ascension!
And then turning on them when they ascended!
Oh, Jennifer. Never change, babe!
Isn't she the greatest?
Jeez, pretty soon she'll be saying that Ricky just had a few "youthful indiscretions"...
Several articles discussing the fickleness of the GOP electorate talks about "low information voters", a nice way of saying people dumb as posts paying next to no attention. As little as I agree with your new crush - and I agree with her nearly not at all - you can't say she is paying no attention.
Maybe they are just fickle by nature. Nothing's ever good enough for them, the little minxes!
Regarding the photo at the top of your post - are you sure that is Jennifer Rubin? It looks a lot more like some latter-day hippie dude wearing shoulder pads.
the photo looks like Obama when he was a hippy smoking pot all night. Not that he was but maybe he is! confusing world.
What's astonishing is the deeply-offended tone these pols take when confronted with some hateful or inconvenient thing they once said. "That was four years ago!" "That was Massachusetts!" "That was to a church audience!" They're so used to saying whatever the current audience wants to hear that they can't believe anyone faults them for it.
jg: I know, right?
Memory and the public record can be so unfair to the aspiring pander...er, politician!
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