Three for three Republican debates with mortifying audience moments. Well done, GOP! But here's what really puzzled me: asked about hairdressers in the military, Rick
Santorum said he's against it because "sexual activity has no place in the military." OK, so if soldiers just simply can't help having sex with their fellow soldiers, given the availability of willing or even possible sexytime partners, doesn't it follow that straight women also shouldn't be allowed in the military because they, too, might have sex with their fellow soldiers (lesbians, obv, are disqualified because they'll have sex with each other, duh)? If it's really all about the specter of sex amongst soldiers, why doesn't Rick
Santorum talk about this aspect of the issue? Shouldn't "wanting to have sex with men" as a disqualifier apply equally to everybody who wants to have sex with men?
Just curious.
This occurred to me as well. You have stated it more clearly.
And to take it a step further, if Santorum is in fact NOT interested in an all-male army, shouldn't male soldiers who like the ladies be excluded from service as well?
No sex means no sex, after all.
The Navy was okay with my brother's stepson, a pilot who had an out-of-wedlock child with his commanding officer's wife.
At least they didn't use contraception, so that's cool with the sacerdotal types.
Everyone laughed at Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA) when he tried to ban porn from all military bases.
Ricky is basically saying to ban all sex in the military, or at least drum out the members having sex.
Okaaay so our active duty army will now consist of 37 homely 50+ year olds with skin problems and no access to viagra.
I'm sure will totally kick ass with that group.
going to guess that Santorum would be cool with no ladies in the military, job offices, shopping malls, or basically anywhere but kitchens and church.
Up until the repeal of DADT, there was no sexual behavior associated with the military. That's why all those military base towns are so wholesome and family-oriented.
I could be wrong, but I suspect Santorum protests too much and will be coming out of the closet at some point.
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