(Screenshot via Mediasnack)
- Woman who lives next door complains that bin Ladens would never sign for FedEx deliveries when she was out of town.
- Local garbage man irritated that bin Ladens never separated their recyclables.
- Nearby convenience store clerk annoyed by bin Ladens' constant use of large-denomination bills first thing in the morning.
- Most residents around the block relieved they don't have to hear "Court and Spark" by Joni Mitchell played over and over again at top volume.
- Neighborhood Girl Scouts didn't appreciate "overreaction" to cookie sale attempt.

My favorite, of course, is "Court and Spark" being overplayed at loud volume.
Yeah, seriously. Blue is a much better album.
He let his dogs crap on the neighbors' lawns too, I heard.
So rude. Death was too good for him.
Did he have to have his old trucks up on blocks in the front yard for YEARS at a time? I don't think so.
They took ages between lawn-mowings, too.
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