Wednesday, March 16, 2011



mr pinky said...

I thought that the world's largest pedophile ring was the catholic church!

coronaboomboom said...

Just wait 'til those critters start sniffing the nuclear happy-dust!

Anonymous said...

EYE recall the more affordable and highly photogenic Budget gourmets... to say nothing of 25 cent boxes of mac n cheese. Hell yeah it matters!

hooverific said...

Is "stupid people" becoming redundant?

samael7 said...

Is "squirrel" slang for something? Like "global warming?" "Ebola?" "The collapse of a stable middle class in the USA?"

Or are there just a whole lot of people in Vermont who are trying to warn their loved ones about this Red Threat-Level terror?

xenides said...

what's really amusing is trying to make the causal links between the main story and the side-bar leads.