Jeff Rense:

EDIT: I guess I should explain who these people are so that you don't have to Google them. Taitz is one of the leaders of the "Obama wasn't born in the United States" movement, and is currently involved in vicious birther vs. birther infighting and lawsuits, which is hilarious. Rense never met a conspiracy he didn't like; if it was on X-Files, he believes it's true. Visit their respective web sites at your own peril.
Hair-a-licious!! Rense's looks like a wig. And his moustache rivals Bolton's.
"Orly Taitz"? really? Her mom named her that?
g mentioned Bolton, but clearly Rense is the anti-Bolton. His hair is grey and his mustache dark, instead of the other way around.
We should call him Jeff Rense and Repeat.
It's Marcia Wallace and Mark Spitz!
Jeff Rense should apply to divinity school immediately. If that look doesn't say Southern Baptist preacher, nothing does.
Jeff looks a little too much like the love child of Cher and Geraldo Rivera.
That photo of Rense definitely looks photoshopped (not by you, PSP), especially the hair.
He looks like he could have been in the original Three Dog Night, had heroin not been invented.
jeff's stylist must have worked on him for days.
At first glance, I thought Rense-n-Repeat was Doug Henning, hairdresser magician extraordinaire!
Ooof! I went to Orly's site. The woman is batshit insane!
Damn freaking right. Hawaii and other foreign countries have no right birthing presidents!
Also, Hawaii is full of alien overlords. I saw it on the X-files. Sure, they all look normal, but you can tell because they eat sushi made of Spam... ugh...
I thought it was psychics who had the wiggiest hair.
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