Gruppenbild: Plassnik und Van der Bellen bei der Überzeugungsarbeit gegen die geistige Verzwergung der Republik (Kommentar der anderen). Der kleine Kerl mit der Zipfelmütze ist eine Leihgabe namens "Wunibald". (derStandard.at)
It's been so long! Eagle-eyed Austrian Pony Pal™ Katharina spotted this report and this photo gallery of our favorite affable giantess, but what to make of it? Katharina reports:
Ursula Plassnik has somewhat disappeared from the glitzy world of international politics, so I was delighted to find her and her gnome pal (the shabby looking guy on the right is the former leader of the Austrian Green party) enjoying some quality time in a park in Vienna. (Apparently, the whole point of this whole photo op was to generate interest among Austrians in view of the upcoming European elections). Hope this is something that true connoisseurs of our favourite diplomazon might enjoy!
And what a fine fix it is! Two sparkley hooves way up, Katharina!
It should be noted that Ursula is wearing a pair of (I believe) limited edition Chuck Taylor Converse All Stars.
You're right! She's wearing Varvatos slip-ons.
Vote Wunibald and you can't go wrong!
OMG the gallery! The roses, the gnome, the garden chairs, and most of all, the many moods of the charming Ursula - how can she be so effortlessly stylish?
How do we puny Americans help get her back into international public life - imagine the magic were she and Michelle to be in the same room...
I imagine all of us mere mortals seem like little plastic gnomes to her. She probably assumed it was just some visiting diplomat.
Oh, the shoes. If you're wondering where the laces went, I chewed them off.
I am in love all over again.
And the scarf! Wowza.
Not a gnome, my fair princess. That's Secretary Gates.
I'm not sure what's sadder: that I missed this a freaking year ago, or that I was needing a lift in my day and turned . . . to Ursula Plassnik nostalgia for that lift.
But, do you know what?
It worked.
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