Great news! Well, great news for us, anyway, less so for the Republicans, because they're about to choose Michael "Puppy Lover" Steele to be their leader. You may recall that Steele's last electoral triumph consisted of losing -badly- to an absolute nobody. Click on the topic tag below for a trip down Puppy Lover memory lane.
UPDATE: Yay! It's official! And this is really funny, because he has a reputation (unearned, in my opinion) of being a "moderate," which means that none of the right-wingers will listen to him.
This is a great day. Puppies for everyone! Michael Steele is such a lightweight and so obviously stupid that it's only a matter of time before he does or says something wonderfully dumb. I can't wait.
With the obvious buzz in amongst the Pals about Yulia and Michael Steele headed back to the national stage, it's clear there will be plenty of subjects for years to come that will be best explained by Princess Sparkle Pony, the Internet's finest purveyor of brilliance and shallowness in one shiny pink package!
They're tantalizingly close to selecting a "whites-only" dude instead.
4:05 pm ET --It took 6 ballots, but he became the "pick of the litter" by a vote of 91-77.
Will you keep track of his ringworm so we don't have to?
Do you think that he could be the Magic Negro of whom we have heard so much?
Just the person to secure those tax cuts, which are, after all, the only thing we need to get this economy going hippity-hop again.
p.s. Somehow I safer with Michael Steele in charge, you know?
i hope steele brings his maryland style politicking to the national stage. How will fox news report it when he brings in (by bus) a hundred or so homeless people to hand out "democratic ballots" with the GOP incumbent's name. That is going to be some F-U-N reporting to watch.
Michael Steele's sister used to be married to Mike Tyson. (Not Robin Givens, but the pediatrician who divorced him rather speedily.) Classy, I calls it.
Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel
"If only we'd thought of something like that..." ~democrats everywhere
I can see the headlines now in the deep south...
"Black gets the chair"
Kudos on the background.
He definitely is a urinal cake.
Rich in Fla
Uncle Tom is inda house!
Yeah, Republicans managed to elect someone not in the Klan. Kudos!
Don't worry your pretty head
missamerica, Robert Byrd (the old
Grand Dragon of the Imperial Knights
of the Ku Klux Klan) is still a
solid Democrat.
Yay, free OREOs for everybody!!!!
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