The map above basically shows the deadliest states for children. Neat! It's from this morning's Washington Post Health section. The darker the blue, the deadlier the state is for tots.
Looking at it, I couldn't help but think that, you know, swap New Mexico and Texas, and that map looks awfully familiar. Where else have I seen color-coded state maps that look almost exactly like that recently?
It escapes me.
Except for Georgia. I think they eat their young in Georgia
The darker they are, the more Family Friendly!
Srsly, I used to live in Oklahoma, and was appalled by all the obituaries for very young children. They had the infant mortality rate of a third world country.
We all know that as a commie liburl hairdresser you have a vested interest in keeping the kiddies alive so that you can have your vile way with them.
The male suicide rate map county by county has a familiar pattern as well. More kids dying corresponds to more guys killing themselves corresponds to more Wal-Marts and all that entails.
Except for Utah. For a backwards theocracy where I would never live, Utah does a pretty good job of keeping their babies alive and giving guys with guns reasons for not blowing their brains out.
That's cause in REAL America, they still raise children right! None of this namby-pamby "child safety" or "medical care" the East Coast Media Eleets are always on about, making their children pussies and fags! Real America knows that good parents let kids suffer the consequences of their own actions; if they suffocate themselves with a plastic bag or get whooping cough, well, they can just damn well die. That'll teach 'em!
"Real America knows that good parents let kids suffer the consequences of their own actions"
I know you're being sarcastic, but I actually agree. It doesn't take a village, it takes evolution.
Look at Alaska! Quick, somebody grab Bristol Palin before it's too late!
It's them ol' "family values" voters. You know--the ones in the bible belt who sign chastity vows . . . and have the highest rates of STDs, unwanted pregnancies and dee-vorce. Quite consistent, really. And of course all thems chil'ens are vaccinated, literate, and svelte. And so the cycle repeats itself--they grow up to become angry voters. Talk about a Southern Strategy.
As an Atlanta native, I can attest that the only reason that Georgia doesn't score lower on a lot of these measures is because of Atlanta pulling up the averages. Take the city out of the mix and Georgia is another Mississippi or Oklahoma.
Hey, leave Texas outta this!
This map actually made me unfunnily mad.
And of course, Alaska is one of the 4 worst.
"A man never stands so tall as when he stands on top of a child."
Vermont is the proper shade of pale. That's for the little kids who fall through the ice.
Otherwise, we have Dr. Dinosaur, who takes pretty good care of our children. Say what you will about Howard Dean, Dr. Dinosaur is his legacy. Before that, the school nurse mostly served as the primary health provider of lots of our kids.
But really just stopped by to wish ya a happy day Dahlin'. Keep on Sparklin' Ms. Princess.
OMG, Texas is SO undercounting their dead children.
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