Georgia's Foreign Minister Ekaterine Tkeshelashvili meets with U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (R) during a bilateral meeting in central Brussels August 19, 2008. NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said on Tuesday the alliance was freezing regular contacts with Russia until Moscow had fully withdrawn its troops from Georgia in line with a peace deal. REUTERS/Stringer (BELGIUM)
Mission Accomplished™! It's a little thrown-together, but it has the basics. Obviously, the set decorator could have benefited by using my guide to building a better matching armchairs photo-op. Tsk. Anyway! I knew she could do it!
So photo-op achieved, she flew to Poland:

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Poland's Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski speak with media as they arrived at Okecie airport in Warsaw August 19, 2008. Rice arrived to sign a deal for Poland to host elements of a U.S. missile shield. REUTERS/Kacper Pempel(POLAND)
Ooh, that missile shield sounds expensive. I'm sure Condi has more than earned her spot on the board of whichever fortunate defense contractor makes it.
Dear Princess: I don't know how you're dealing with all this Condi Back in Action routine as the condemning Kremlinologist, particularly with your oppressive D.C. August weather. I can't read one of your posts without thinking, "They can't be serious, doing the same old photo-op, haven't they ever read Princess Sparkle Pony?" In other words, the sheer meta-ness of it all is starting to get to me. Thank you for wading into this caca, hairdo and all, so I don't have to.
That mouth, those teeth:
"During his first closeup encounter with a sandworm in Dune, Paul Atreides notes, 'Its mouth was some eighty meters in diameter ... crystal teeth with the curved shape of crysknives glinting around the rim . . . the bellows breath of cinnamon, subtle aldehydes ... acids ...'"
Wait! We were told the missile shield was there to protect us from intercontinental ballistic missiles from Iran. How could the Russians have misinterpreted us so badly?
Note the not-so-subtle put-down of our Doctor F as some wag shakes out a dust mop over her head.
I like the coordinated mirroring leg crosses of Condi and Ekaterine. Coincidence or signs of a secret crush? Whatev! it's criss-cross-applesauce!
Lulu that was not a dust mop, it's a Swiffer. Seems the Swiffer people are offering Condi a job as pitchman after she leaves office.
"Got a nasty secret? Swiffer helps you sweep it under the rug!"
Putin and Mini-Putin just packed up and crated $500 million in US military hardware in Georgia and shipped the booty back to Mother Russia, and now this?
Does Mother have any room left in her cupboard for a windfall of US made sterling silver missile shields?
Is this some weird Contra/ Irangate redux? There's got to be oil credits involved or this is entirely bat-shit crazy..
It's not a mop. Condi is being fitted with a 1980's style Tina Turner wig.
Why are these barbarians holding a crucified Tribble in front of Condi?
Ha ha, mattyboy!
"....Left a good job in the city..." She'll have a great act in late January.
Princess, why do you continue to ignore Condi's latest bold step as Secretary of State; namely, her joining Poland in a declaration of war against the USSR?
Condi still thinks there is a problem with Atlanta and Savannah....
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