Austrian Foreign Minister Ursula Plassnik, Agriculture Minister Josef Proell and President of the Austrian farmers' federation Fritz Grillitsch, from left, arrive for a party executive meeting of the People's Party, OEVP, at their headquarters in Vienna, on Friday, June 27, 2008. (AP Photo/Lilli Strauss)
A party meeting! Sounds fun! Now I don't know if I would recommend Ursula's layered top for most people, but on her it works. I'm calling it the Blue Lobster.
But, excuse me, what's going on with the handsome Mr. Grillitsch on the right? Or, more specifically, what is going on with his jacket? And tielessness! I honestly don't know what to make of it. Is it a brave fashion move or does he just look like an off-duty bellhop? I just don't know!
I do know that everybody looks happy in the picture. That's because, duh, they're with Ursula! OMG, I'm so totally jealous.
The Blue Lobstah... serve mine up hot please!
She looks like she just floats, no small skill for a tall woman like her. Dreamy.
Speaking of dreamy, despite all the odds - I find that Sound of Music-y jacket and the man in it strangely attractive.
We are all so totally jealous PSP, all of us.
Auf wiedersehn!
Who would have thought all of Austria
would be so fashion forward!
The Austrian-jacket fellow is straight out of Jules et Jim -- but who's Ursula's second fun-companion if a ménage à trois is indeed spice in her life? Sarko?
I immediately thought it was a Star Trek jacket. You know, because he needs to fly a spaceship in order to reach Ms. Plassnik's eye level during a conversation.
Have you not noticed that they have left her behind - oh the shame and embarrassment.
what is with the Nehru jacket -- that is so 1968! maybe he has a man-crush on Jawarahal or whatever his name was.
second - what is with the spread collar on the red tie guy....
third -- is ursula donning a rope to choke off any ursula-stalkers?
Franiam is right. It's Captain Von Trapp, all the way.
I love how she's managed to wear what is apparently the world's tiniest scarf around her neck while simultaneously making her whole blouse (the Blue Lobster!) somehow so scarfy.
And when was the last time that a certain sour-faced shoe fetishist was spotted strolling, carefree as the day she was born, down an avenue in her capital (rather than roaring through in a multi-SUV motorcadestravaganza)?
Blue lobster is too harsh.
I call her top, "blue descending a staircase."
I like Zip's "Blue descending a staircase" name too. She's so awesome. Note that she's wearing her bullet-deflecting Wonder Woman bracelet.
As for the weird jacket, the caption does say that he's president of the Austrian farmer's federation--maybe he just wants to look "folksy" and down-home?
I'm thinking Mr. Cute's jacket is something, well, provincial. Err, traditional Austrian.
I love that it looks like she seems to have a matching bag to go with the top tier of her carapace...
the von trapp jacket - totally tyrolean.
"Blue descending a staircase" gets my vote too. Artsy and delicious for the divine Ursula. And they're all smiling because they are in Vienna - coffee and pastry on every damn corner - I love that city. The jacket is definitely a traditional Tyrolean piece.
Edelweiss, edelweiss... every morning you meet me.
Small and white, clean and bright;
You look happy to greet me.
Yup... straight outa the SoundaMuzik.
"Blue descending a staircase"-yup
Girls, fer chrissakes..he's wearing a traditional Austrian man's jacket that's part of the trad wear called "trachtl." It also should have reindeer horn buttons, if it's truly authentic. Man, you kids call yerselves homos? What would Suzy Menkes think of y'all? Back to fashion skool, you Beauty School Droputs...all-a-ya's..NOW.
I want one, badly. I'll put it in my closet between my Mongolian Del wrap made from Yak skin, and my Patagonian suit of many colors made from reindeer fur.
@muscato: carefree as the day she was born
HAHAHAHA! Silly you. Condi was never care free. Haven't you been paying attention? She came out of the womb and slapped the doctor for touching her, and her mother for keeping her in so long.
I've been thinking about Ms. Ursula. I think she really does have some innate quality that gets people smiling around her. I think these are not just lucky captures. I'm sure it's why she's a foreign minister.
Ghod, she makes Condi look bad.
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