Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Sweden's Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt shake hands during a news conference at Rosenbad in Stockholm May 29, 2008. Rice will take part in the Iraq Compact Annual Review Conference held in Infra City outside Stockholm.(Maja Suslin/Scanpix/Reuters)
OK, so this is that thing that maybe I mentioned? No? OK, well Condi went to Sweden for this kinda bummer-sounding "annual review" about Iraq 'n' such. They've already warned us that the whole thing is totally pointless. It's Condi's kicky new mantra: lower the expectations, lower the expectations, lower the expectations...
So is it any surprise, then, that they sent the Condibot? Why should the real Condi go to a big conference and endlessly repeat talking points when the labor-saving, Disneytronic substitute can do all that and be shipped inexpensively as equipment.
Here's another. Ha, ha! It's so obvious that this is the Animagic Condibot (In a different outfit! Good job, Team Condibot!) tottering towards the king:

Sweden's King Carl XVI Gustaf, left, meets U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, right, at Rosersberg Palace, following a U.N. conference on Iraq, Stockholm, Sweden, Thursday, May 29, 2008. Iraqi officials asked a U.N. conference Thursday for the cancellation of billions in debt and war compensation, a plea mostly aimed at Arab neighbors reluctant to forgive Iraq's belligerence during Saddam Hussein's regime. (AP photo/Scanpix Sweden, Janerik Henriksson)
UPDATE! Bonus! As a convenience to our Swedish readers, here is the above post translated by gandhitoday.org:
Ok, Condi stack iväg till Sverige för den där sortens skabbigt högtravande “årliga genomgången” om Irak å sånt. Redan på förhand varnade man att alltihopa var fullständigt poänglöst. Det är det som är Condis nya käcka mantra: minska förväntningarna, minska förväntningarna, minska förväntningarna…
Så är det nån överraskning att de skickade Condi-roboten (Condibot, konstgjord ersättare)? Varför skulle den verkliga Condi åka på en stor konferens och upprepa ändlösa bortförklaringar, när den arbetsbesparande Disneytronic-ersättaren kan skeppas över istället?
Här är en till - i annan utstyrsel! Ha ha, bra jobbat, Team Animagic Condibot! Se hur hon raglar fram mot svenske kungen.
You gotta like that water-heater-style fireplace in the picture with the "king." Those Swedes: they're like Germans, only without the sense of humor
The vulgarity of it all is simply appalling, not the least because the Euros are playing along with this nonsense.
I've used it before but I must say that the top photo gets me humming the song "Rockit" and going all Herbie Hancock when I see the 'bot like that.
What kind of layout is that in the first picture? It's not dueling podiums or matching armchairs, nor is it a rendition of the Madison. It looks as if they hung a curtain in the stock exchange and planted some flags in front.
I'm surprised the bot held up under the pressure.
Based on the positioning of the flags, it appears that Condibot forgot from which country she hails.
BTW, I think Condi is brilliant. She just can't conceptualize.
Is the Condibot's head bigger than it's supposed to be? Perhaps this is necessary for some equipment storage reason.
Did you hear Condi not discussing Scott McClellan's book?
Her voice takes on that reedy quality when she's been cornered, sort of like Mary Tyler Moore in "Ordinary People."
Her head looks especially huge in the top photo- she looks like a Tootsie Roll Pop.
neocons on Condi
At least she rmembered to wear her Manolos.
God, she is so out of touch with her body. It's like she's Martha Graham in reverse...
Are the Swedes "racist" or "sensitive"? Take a look at the bust in picture 2.
I love the decor in photo #2.
The pimped-out hot water heater, the grime on the door frame, the scratched up flooring and the mismatched furniture combined with the silk wallpaper and shmaltzy wainscoting look like they used the same interior decorator Saddam Hussein used for his palaces.
Well... now the new Saddams can afford considerable more fashionable decorators, thanks to the deals Condibot provided.
Tack så mycket!
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