Thursday, April 03, 2008


Pony Palâ„¢ Carroll was inspired to scale the heights of artistic fancy by yesterday's photos of Laura "Crazy Eyes" Bush. I think this kinda thing could catch on:


zoe said...

doan like scary robots.

Anonymous said...

Yay Lollaura!

Iz it can be MAO-inhibitor tiem nao plees?

Hops said...

Ha! There's only one caption for every photo of her and you already nailed it.

Matthew Hubbard said...

I believe the correct lolz verb here is "eated".

Missing that style point, I judge this 9.9 of 10.

Anonymous said...

What is it about Bucharest's water supply, anyway?

Anonymous said...

So how soon 'til someone starts a LOLFLOTUS site?

God knows there's a wealth of scary images on which to draw - and lots of highly meme-able themes, from traffic deaths through chain-smoking....

Anonymous said...

You have a point about the LOLgrammar. In this case I wanted to take the caption exactly from the original (URL below!) I actually have a version with "eated," but changed it.

Thanks, Sparkles, for posting my LOL!

original cat pic:

Anonymous said...

Love it! I lol'd.

Just think if McCain becomes our next president (notice I didn't say "wins") we will have four years of Cindy "Crazy Eyes" McCain!

Anonymous said...

You have provided me with this weeks wallpaper.

D@n said...

:))))) ..I remember watching this on tv... the romanian journalists were also intriged by Laura's crazy eyes.

Anonymous said...

PLS do one of these with cindy mccain... it's literally true about her

Anonymous said...

This caused me to snort in a most unladlylike manner.

To be proper LOL, however, the CAPSHUN should be