US ambassador Rasinski McCaw with FM Plassnik Photo: Austrian Foreign Ministry
The frustrating thing about the Austrian Foreign Ministry's otherwise marvelously Ursula-centric web site is that they post great photos, like above, but provide no information about when or why the photos were taken. Here we see the affable giantess enduring what had to be a total waste-of-time meeting with Condi's fake ambassador to Austria, a woman whose credentials mainly consist of being a fabulously wealthy banker who gave shitloads of money to Bush. Well done, Suzy! And, gee, your hair looks terrif!
The great thing, though, is that the web site gives huge, high-res pics which enable us to scrutinize every detail. Here, for instance, I love zooming in on Ursula's delicious necklace, but shudder at the cross-front top:

Also recently, for some reason, I think Ursula gave a unicorn or something to the King of Spain:

At least Mrs. McCaw had the decency to wear a scarf in Ursula's presence.
Also, please note how Ursula's pendant echos the shape of the thing on the wall (an oar?) and it seems to be reaching out for it's pointy little flower counterpart from the centerpiece. Artsy!
That 'cross-front top' also appeared in an earlier Ursula post. February 12, 2007 titled 'Boys Like Ursula'. I can see why boys like Ursula....
After Ursula's rise to global power is complete, I would like to be known as the one who coined the phrase "Scarf Diplomacy™."
I think it's nice that Condi hired a blonde to meet with Ursula. I just hope she doesn't blow it by offering a lot of beauty tips about root jobs 'n stuff..
Talk about what a fox pass that would be!!
I think the horsie gift may be a reference to the Austrian Lippizaner Stallions, which are trained at the Spanish Riding School in Vienna.
Gigantic and a giver of thoughtful gifts! I am saving for that one-way ticket to Vienna as we speak!
Unicorn? Lippizaner? I THINK NOT! Clearly, she's handing out Sparkle Ponies!
WTF is that pointy paddle ont he wall????
That second photo op is obviously some inside joke that they are all in on. Perhaps the King of Spain has a thing for horse pornography. Or once knocked over a porcelain horse after a debauched night at the Austrian embassy! They seem to be saying, "See? No hard feelings. You go with your bad horse loving self!"
Do you think Condi would do a better job if she had cooler accessories?
Really, how can her boring pop-bead pearls even begin to compare with the Austrian Amazon's parade of gorgey scarves, fabulous necklaces & snappy high tops?
Maybe Halliburton could come up with a charitable fund for Condi...
Isn't that McCaw lady on Fox Noise? Those idiot American blonde "reporters" on Fox all look alike to me.
I think that paddle thing on the wall is some sort of Klingon war dance prop.
The meeting with Ambassador McCaw was her farewell vist with the Foreign Ministry. She's resigned after 2 years, and left Vienna for good.
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