Bonus! Did you know that Blackwater has a fabulous boutique featuring thrilling fashions for him, for her... and baby, too!* All your holiday gift-nagging needs are fulfilled in one place! Yay!
*I wonder if Blackwater Onesies™ come in "adult baby" sizes?
EDIT: These are so good, I'd be remiss not to post a couple. The Blackwater Girl Baby Mercenary costume:
The Blackwater Christmas ornament (yes!):
Okay, Princess, you have officially blown my mind with the scary Blackwater merchandising. This is a logo that needs to be as reviled as Nazi iconography. Except whoops! Thanks to decades worth of Evil Nazi Villains in Movies, that's going to be iconography that will never die.
So let me restate this. May the Blackwater logo just die, float away, and disappear. And what's with all their animal appropriation for their merchandise? You'd think they were the fucking Nature Company. Or is this what the Nature Company has mutated into? I'm scared.
When I first read your post, I thought it was a joke with some good PhotoShopping -- then the caffeine kicked in and *OMG* it's for real!
Did anyone look at the goofy corporate-type inspirational posters on the site? Hard to tell if they're uninentionally hilarious, deeply scary, or a disturbing combo.
I'm sure that they have adult onesies-- sooner or later, *someone* is also going to need a diaper over there as well, so it is a logical progression.
Deeply scary.
Cops ride around in cars with slogans like "To Protect And Serve".
The Marines are "The Few. The Proud."
The Blackwater logo comes right out and says, "We're predators, motherfucker. Just try to stay our of our way."
Private corporations with exclusively government contracts! They're like fascism, but with that exciting new century smell!
OMG,Princess - I too thought you were PhotoShopping- and was prepared to be led to a mock site. This is beyond scary - Matty Boy nails the corporate slogan.
(With today's word verification, I had to post)
Holy shite. Who in the hell thought it would be a good idea to do BW-logo clothing! Xmas ornaments!? Wow. Fecking savages. Matty totally nailed it (as usual--I think I may start calling him Hammer-man).
Hate to comment hog, but I looked over the merchandise more after posting.
Scariest Christmas gift: I'd go with the Blackwater shot glass.
Blackwater: We put the fashion back into fascism!
Dang! Now I have to abandon my no-holiday- shopping -vow. Thanks Princess!! Let's see -- how many Green Croakies does the family need? and of course, matching shades-dude -- see "gifts" under "hers"!!
Do you suppose we can register to make sure we receive our fav Blackwateriana?
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