Five-year-old Bailey Lovestad looks at Democratic presidential hopeful U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton at the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines August 15, 2007. REUTERS/Eric Thayer (UNITED STATES)
PSP gets letters! From Pony Pal™ Adam:
Re: Hillary Clinton
"At the Iowa pork producers stand, she donned a specially made apron with her name and "The Other White Meat" emblazoned on it."
(From the Washington Post)
Please tell me there's photographic evidence.
And, indeed, there is:

Democratic presidential hopeful U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton cooks at the Iowa Pork Producers tent beside former Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack (L) while attending the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines August 15, 2007. REUTERS/Eric Thayer (UNITED STATES)
See, after Ted Stevens leaves Congress, Somebody's going to have to fill the role of Pork Princess, and it might as well be President Hillary! Yay!
Those are some big sausage patties...
Thanks for keeping us abreast of the finer mechanations of Ponyland:) (and for giving us keen ideas of Iowa headgear)
Wow - Miss Piggy for President! NOT!
Like everything that Anne Kornblut writes this is "almost" true.
Across the top of the apron it sez:
"Hillary Rodham Clinton
Not a blah cook"
In the dark blue circle it sez:
"The other white meat"
Below that it sez:
"Don't be blah"
Ms Kornblut reports that the apron sez"
"Hillary Rodham Clinton
The other white meat"
would you like fries with your white meat?
Isn't campaigning fun?!? And you get to look as if you're ecstatic to be doing it all.
After a while, you start to believe that you are Getting in Touch with the American People.
Cynic Al, the reporter said that the apron was emblazoned with her name and "the other white meat", not that the apron said "Hillary Clinton: the other white meat," so I'm not sure what your problem is, but Kornblut's reporting seems entirely accurate.
My "problem" is that I want reporters to report the entire truth. Not an edited version of the truth.
For a thorough deconstruction of Ms. Kornblut's reporting Google Bob Somerby's blog "The Daily Howler".
I'm willing to vote for Hillary, especially since she's the likely Democratic candidate. I don't give a damn what she wears at an Iowa pig cookoff.
I'm willing to vote for Hillary too, if only because she's so intelligent and can actually string a coherent sentence together.
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