Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, left, Vice President Dick Cheney, right, and Cheney's wife Lynne, center, are pictured prior to the the start of the arrival ceremony for Queen Elizabeth II, Monday, May 7, 2007, on the South Lawn at the White House in Washington. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)
Awww... if the above picture doesn't bring a smile and uncontrollable weeping, then you just aren't trying hard enough. Lynne Cheney seems to be saying, "Look! There's a world leader with a modicum of decency and class!" We know, Lynne, it's alarming and bizarre. What's that doing in Washington? Trying to make everybody else look bad? It's OK, though, because I'm sure hubby Dick is working on a Queen-encompassing smear as I write this.
Oh, and speaking of Condi and Shakespeare: who will break her virgin-knot?
The question that's on my mind is who's worse, Prince Phil, or Veep Dick? Did they need to keep the evil two separated, or were they repelled from each other little magnets of evil.
I was thrilled to see Pickles the first lady in one of those new Disney gowns. She looked every bit the fairy tale princes!
And lest we think that Condi neglected her duties during the royal visit, the Washington Posts reminds us:
"Laura Bush acknowledged she and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice had tag-teamed Bush to coax him into white tie for the White House's most formal dinner of his presidency.
"Dr. Rice and I took it upon ourselves to talk him into it, because we thought if we were ever going to have a white-tie event, this would be the one," Mrs. Bush told reporters."
PSP, who is this "Gene A. Washington" seen on the state dinner's guest list as accompanying our fine feathered Condi?
A "beard", perhaps? From a Times of India report in June 2003......
NEW YORK: As a girl, she vowed that she would marry an American footballer, but she has ended up helping to run the country instead.
Now there is speculation that Condoleezza Rice may fulfil both ambitions after she invited a handsome sportsman not once but twice to the White House as her date.
The gossip began when Gene Washington, a former player with the San Francisco 49ers, turned up at a formal dinner for President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo of the Philippines just over a week ago.
Noticeably, Rice, the US national security adviser, had also invited him to dine with the President of Poland, Aleksander Kwasniewski, last summer.
They attend American football matches together, where Washington can always secure the best seats. Long retired from the game, he is director of operations of the National Football League (NFL) in New York. Rice, a sports fanatic, has often said she wants to be commissioner of the NFL one day.
In his first interview Washington, 57, laughed off reports that he and Rice were dating each other, but there is no doubt that he is starry-eyed about her talents.
‘‘Condi’s phenomenal,’’ he said. ‘‘She’s so articulate, she never gets ruffled, she can handle tough situations with aplomb, she is as impressive a person as you’d ever meet.’’ But are they dating? ‘‘We’re not,’’ he insisted. ‘‘What else is there to say? We’re great friends, we’re comfortable with each other and we enjoy each other’s company. She can relax with me. We’ve known each other for so long she doesn’t have to break me in.’’
The pair, who both grew up in Alabama, share a passion for football, which Rice learnt from her father, a high school teacher who also coached the sport.
Washington said she often compared the game to war. In her view, ‘‘football is about taking ground’’, he said. ‘‘The idea is to take more ground than you give up.’’
Washington and Rice met in the 1980s at Stanford University in California, where Rice, a professor of political science, went on to be the provost and Washington was a sports administrator. Antonia Felix, author of a biography of Rice, claims that they dated briefly.
Washington is separated from his wife, who lives in California, and has two daughters, aged 27 and 15, and a son of 13.
We know you're a busy Royal yourself, Princess, but please please please photo and commentary on Crazy Eyes in the first de la Renta gown I've ever seen that apparently has the power completely to hide the waist, causing the wearer's figure to go directly from matronly bosom to swelling hips. At least she didn't try to compete with the Queen on the jewellery front. And of course we're dying to know whether Dr. F. wore her homemade oxblood-colored prom dress again...
Lynne: Look, it's right there! Can't you see it?
Big Dick: What are you ranting about, woman? There's nothing there.
Dr. F: I told both of you to stop pretending you can see through Georgie's head through his ears. He does TOO have a brain. I massage it with my mouth every night!
Karen Zipdrive sez:
Holy cow! Have you ever seen two whiter people than Lynne and Dick? Forget that they're standing beside a person of color, I haven't seen two whiter whiteys since they panned the home audience during the last televised Utah Jazz game.
I am convinced now the Cheneys sleep in closed caskets during the day, except for special occasions.
Dear Princess (these pathetic Brits with their bad teeth and fancy hats are not royalty compared to you),
What strikes me about this pix is that Lynne appears to be the woman behind the Dick that gets into Dubya's behind. Condi is just a spectator this type of WH sports action.
Dick, with his badly tilted neck, has to lean over to get his head perpendicular to the ground.
It must be very hard to line up putts with this disability. You'd think it might affect his ability to fire a shotgun accurately as well.
But, of course, the entire zeitgeist of the whole picture is: "We turned the world into a deep, unending hell, but we can still act like fucking tourists from Wyoming when the occasion calls for it."
And that's an important skill to keep.
I don't know how much press Bush's gaff is getting there, but the press down under is going wild because he insinuated the Queen was 230 years old. I wish we had a leader that I didn't have to hang my head with shame every time he opened his mouth. Another week of teasing from my friends.
Toriko- he's not just the leader... He's the COMMANDER GUY! Oh dear, the shame we all feel when he says anything.
Commander guy.
I am still not over that one!
Go check out his idiotic winking at the Queen, her chilly glance back at him and then the awful photo of Mickey Rooney kissing the Queen's hand.
She won't be back too soon.
But that's ok because we have our own royalty right here... The Princess!
So perky. Just the sort of snap for the family album.f
I am stunned by how much Dick and Lynne look alike in that pic. Gobsmacked even.
Yep, I think Mickey Rooney and his melanoma freckled, liver spotted head slobbering over the Royal hand will have Queenie off her feed for the next 230 years.
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