US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice attends the opening of an international conference on Iraq in Sharm el-Sheikh, 03 May 2007. A conference aimed at rescuing Iraq from chaos and bankruptcy kicked off Thursday in Egypt amid an unprecedented display of international unity.(AFP/Cris Couroncle)

Much better.
I had some recalled cat fod that I would have given her if not for that "do not feed" sign!
I think she was just protecting her lady parts in this pic.
Maybe she is pissed off no end because she might be expected to say something significant and the three bureaucratic goons behind her (I assume they are part of her staff) haven't come up with any kind of talking points for her.
But gosh, she looks remarkably well-fed today. Oh yeah, I remember: US official overseas in a Middle East country ... she had bacon for breakfast! No wonder her coiffe has that subtle sheen.
Zipdrive here...
Is that a bow tie she has on, or what?
A conference aimed at rescuing Iraq from chaos and bankruptcy kicked off Thursday
Ummm. Isn't that why we invaded in the first place? Rescuing Iraq and all that? They should be careful. We hung the last guy responsible for chaos and bankruptcy in Iraq.
We hung the last guy responsible for chaos and bankruptcy in Iraq.
I beg to differ, Jess. Paul Bremer is alive and well, occasionally gazing proudly at the Medal of Freedom on his mantelpiece.
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