Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, Friday, Feb. 16, 2007, before the House Appropriations State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs subcommittee. (AP Photo/Dennis Cook)
This is when I always feel sorriest for the glamourpuss Dr. Secretary, when she has to go to get her allowance. And it's especially bad now with the Democratic majority, because she's got to beg from, of all the dowdy frumps, Nita Lowey of New York.
WhatEVER! But it doesn't matter, and you know why? Because Condi's jumping on a plane for foreign lands, and that's always good fodder for the Pink Pony. And you know why else? Because it's time for Condi Hand Turkeys! Yay!

(Pointless Washington Post article, if you must, here.)
She looks like she is passing her imaginary globe friend.
You can't fool us, PSP! This was done just so the poultry category wouldn't be a singleton.
Still, it's nice to have the hand turkeys back.
Oh, see for yourself! The "poultry" label is a rich and varied category; hardly a singleton.
Wait--there's a Filipino cafe at Union Station? Where? In the food court? That's some high-class WaPo interviewing right there!
Rich in content yes, though I'd imagine weak in feathers.
Kids & their toys....
No matter when/where she pleads & "begs," no matter in what pose, no matter in what mental/physical state, no matter her hairdo and PP alerts for it, no matter what she "does" aside from sitting next to unknown & minor dips for photo ops (as well as exercise publicly in the St Dept gymn via MSM Tee-Vee and play the piano in a "classical" (farcical?) manner in her Watergate apartment as Rome burns), she still looks like a 100% THUG to me -- a mirror image, in a slightly different gender/racial format, of the other thugs she flatters, adores, and serves -- for the power they stole and she oh-so worships.
I stand corrected about the poultry category, but some of the birds included are NOT domesticated and kept for eggs and/or meat, so let's be nice and say you had the inclusive, "big tent" version of poultry in mind.
brief shot of Condi's face at
What a traitor to her gender and her race. If only you could get a closeup shot of those unsightly freckles.
So nice to see the return of the hand turkeys.
She looks like she's about to launch her invisible friend at the free throw line.
Make a point for freedom, Condibot!
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