United States Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, left, is welcomed by German Chancellor Angela Merkel in the Chancellery in Berlin on Thursday, Jan. 18, 2007. After her talks with Merkel, Rice will travel to London to report on her recent trip to the Middle East. (AP Photo/Herbert Knosowski)Yes, yes, Condi 'n' Angela talked about things 'n' stuff today. I think, though, that they could have benefited from a pre-presser room check by John Ashcroft:

Porno! Right behind our Dr. Ferragamo! Why does Germany mock us?
the secret german photography club spent weeks calibrating the butt cheekies just so to give the everlasting impession, that ze human would be making a poopie on the condibot's head!
Sure, the nekkid dude with refined butt cheeks is pretty shocking (kinda wish he'd turn around) but the whole backdrop makes me think Dick Clark is going to start doing a shtick and our two gals are going to dance a light rock number. Or maybe Lawrence Welk would come back from the dead to conduct.
Also Karaoke--what would Condi sing? An aria? What would Angie sing? Wagner? I'm seeing blond wigs, pushed up busts, bursting neck veins....
I like this nice modern room, with or without the skinny blue exhibitionist farting in Condi's general direction. It reminds me of a studio where the Beatles performed in "A Hard Day's Night".
Condi's hands... we don't have to say it anymore, they are where they always are.
Li'l Angie's hands... they seems to express nervousness. Or maybe her tummy is growling a little, and she's wondering if the cafeteria is serving that yummy potato soup today for lunch.
Listening to warmongers; not fun.
Yummy potato soup; it makes the world a happier place.
This makes yummy potato soup just like Princess Sparkle Pony!
The Huffington Post can't leave Our Condi alone! It kind of makes sense, since Bob Gates is so new in his job (and also so tiny, you hate to pick on him) and Dick Cheney has those Nazghuls who work for him, so best to leave him be.
Anyway, here's the latest dig at Dr. Ferragamo, written by Larry Arnstein. He wrote this after watching Pinky and the Brain, which I totally understand, since that's when I get some of my best writing done, too.
Ms. Merkel is singing 'itsy bitsy spider'. Condi won't play along not even for "The Sun came out and dried up all the rain" part. She is missing her invisible spherical friend.
We all feel sad for her.
Is Rosie O'Donnell writing as minniemadashell?
I detect a little stylistic similarity...
Merkel is an American-following sycophant but she absolutely has the style sense of a German. Blech.
I can't wait for the greatest US-German wedding of all time!
Princess -- will you be invited to the shower?
Yessssss... I'm sure Madame Merkel was there during WWII when she was -9 years old (aka a sparkle in her father's eye) killing Jews.
I'm not sure if you were being sarcastic or serious about your hatred of Germany. Either way, your post was pretty silly, Minnie.
I'm disappointed. Condi isn't wearing her dominatrix boots in this picture. Sigh. This penguin finds Condi just so lickable when she's wearing her dominatrix boots...
Condi's schoolgirl stance always makes her seem like she is saying, 'And now I will play the Bach concerto...' at some school recital.
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