Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Great News for Princess Sparkle Pony, Not so Great for Ohio: Jean Schmidt Wins!

It's official: Jean Schmidt has been declared the official winner in her race to not be a one-term wonder. Hooray!


Anonymous said...

COLLAGEN. I simply can't LIVE with those lips. Or I have some extra fat available from my ass.

I see that the Klingon Frown Gene is mutating across Republican lines....

Anonymous said...

Oh guru you beat me to it! Well it is just so true true true.

Ms Schmidt evokes a feelingn of dryness that makes me recoil with discomfort.


Anonymous said...

Franonymous-- I cheat, 'cause I'm most likely a minimum of 6 hours ahead of you in the Time Zone sense.

The wet/dry angle is one I completely missed, except in a 'menopausal hot flash' sort of way.

Speaking of which, what kind of hormones does Condi-liscious take?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Condi-liscous must take One-A-Day-Sour-Gummi-gesterone!!! Otherwise how would she make it through any of her official tasks that range from shoe shopping to brow furrowing plus all that "diplomatic stuff " that she needs to do?!


Anonymous said...

One more thing... between guru's comments and my follow up, it has me scratchin' my head and wondering what the heezy hormones does Karen Kick Ass take??? Hmmmm... now there is a provactive thought. I think testosterone is on the menu for all the Bushy womenfolk! Franonymous