US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (C) shakes hands with South Korean Foreign Minister Ban Ki-Moon (R) and Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Aso (L) before three-way talks at Ban's official residence in Seoul, 19 October 2006. Rice said North Korea must abandon all nuclear weapons after testing an atom bomb but stressed that the door for negotiation was still open.(AFP/Pool/Jung Yeon-Je)
Its a reverse oreo, yum! I hope the president doesn't find out.
A threesome for Condo? wow wee.I never would of thought that about her straight-laced ass.
Condi called "No chicken claws!"
Oh my, Miss Condi, does that neckline go all the way down?!?
That's some hot sternum right there!
I guess I was wrong, Condi may never find that special someone afterall.
so sad.
But by jimbers she looks like she's having fun looking!
Alas Gregg, it appears Condi is wearing a gold/brown shirt underneath the suit...she isn't quite going for the Madonna-esque powersuit with nothing on underneath. Not yet anyway!
PP: What is it between Condi's lapels? "Aliens" lurking, ready to pop out? -- as in whatever sequel to the film of that name?
Maybe George W. Bush is trying to make his escape...
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