Aren't CNN's headline writers hilarious? Yes, Condi will be on Larry King tonight, so is that a meeting of the minds or what? They're totally going to get to the bottom of all that Middle East stuff, and Cuba, too! Hooray! So it's, like, a total contest between Condi and her pal Rummy over who can paint a sparklier, rosier picture of the ALL NEW Middle East. Luckily we don't have to wait, because CNN has cast some glittery preview pearls our way, like this gem:
"I'll stack up this policy in the Middle East against any," she said. "I think we have made more progress under this president toward a Middle East that will be different and better than at any other time in recent memory."Well, different anyway. So she's half right! That's our Condi!
Maybe you know this, Sparklepony, and maybe you don't: you're ever-diligent eye on our Condi makes for a desperately needed respite among those who watch her and weep. Sorry to break character, but...I love you, man.
Okay. Over it. Don't you think Yuri should be a little more careful with his lighting in that last post? Condi *totally* does not deserve having her wrinkles shown off like that.
This new twist to the middle east should have no bearing on her shopping duties right?
I wonder if the all-new ME will basically be sprawling planned communities like Beiruit-Pointe and shopping malls like Gaza Strippe?
...and Starburkhas!
First 'birth pangs' and now just 'afterbirth'.
Her glib dishonesty/delusions are the strongest evidence so far that she'll be the perfect Republican candidate for President. First priority: reupholster all the matching armchairs in the White House! Yay!! I wonder if she'll be able to finish before terrorists level the whole building?
Faith-based diplomacy makes seeing progress through the bombs possible. 'Droid-based Middle East policy makes the bombs inevitable.
Dooney & Burkas?
A burkha with fries and a sheik?
Princess, If am allowed to make a comment, your latest is an enlightening as ever. We truly live in Orwellian times: war=peace, bombs=condilove...
just wanted to let you know what Gannon/Guckert has posted on his blog-o-shit...
He is giving his "testimony" at: The People's Church
535 8th Street, SE
Washington, DC
this sunday.
Would love to be a fly on the wall for that one.
Wonder what he will start out with...
the being a fake reporter thing...
the lying about the Plame scandal thing...
the screwing guys for 200 a hour thing...
sounds too juicy for a sunday mornin' !!!
Gannon/Guckert should be giving testimony to a D.C. Grand Jury.
What's Ursula doing about the mid-east?
I miss Good Times Ursula.
Oh, that Condi! Such a 'Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm'! Looking at the pile of poop, all excited becuase there's sure to be a Pony© nearby!
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