An unidentified U.S. security official escorts U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, (L) to her car upon their arrival at a military base in Rawalpindi June 27, 2006. Rice arrived in Islamabad on Tuesday on a mission to make Pakistan and Afghanistan stop their bickering and work better together to fight resurgent Taliban forces. REUTERS/Mian Khursheed (PAKISTAN)She's going to have so much fun! Because, you know, I'm sure this won't be a tightly-controlled visit today. I bet she'll have all kinds of unscheduled fun, don't you?
She may have to roll up those extra long sleeves, however.
If she can afford Ferragamos, you'd think she could hire a seamstress to tailor her suits a bit.
I'm on pins & needles to see how Pakistan handles the matching armchairs shot. It really should be an Olympic event, where the nations of the world compete to see who does it best.
mmmm, she's brought out those yummy pearls. My favorite.
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