Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Quickie: Strangers with Candy

OMGLOL, I know this will be all over blogadelphia* within minutes, but it all has to be experienced to be believed: Tom DeLay's supporters sent out a mailer featuring quotes from Stephen Colbert, and even feature a video of him on their web site... as if he were a real conservative pundit. OMG get it while it's hot.

*Anything... anything but the word blogosphere.


Civic Center said...

blogadelphia is great.

Tami DeTruth said...

Like, Ohmigawd, I am totally in love with you Princess Sparkle Pony!! I've not been to your side of the blogadelphia in a very long time (you know me and my rehab commitments!) and so I just read a months worth in the last hour and I, like, I'm totally in smitten with ya! Would love to do a sleep over. Till then, I'll read you every day (assuming I'm sober).

Kisses, Tami

Earl Cootie said...

I read a load of comments on some freeperish site or another where they, too, praised Colbert for his ability to skewer the damn liberals. It would be funnier if it weren't so Marching Morons.

5th Estate said...

OMG just about sums it up.
I guess all that ignoring of Colbert's WhiteHouse Press Corps shindig speech is paying-off! But wait, could it be that the Repubs and the Right wing are "wronger" and more clueless than even we thought possible? OMG-OMG! Sparkle Pony. take me away to Sparkle Land, before my head explodes!

Anonymous said...

I love it when satire is so good that the people being slammed don't understand that we are laughing AT them. Go Colbert!

Unknown said...

I saw it at 5am..on the left coast.

blogotopia? is that acceptable?

blogosphere is appropriate you know PSP..we are in our own little world :p

Carmen Sutra said...

Agreed. Anything, anything, anything... I tend to prefer Blogistan.

Sarah Letnes said...

Does Stephen Colbert count as an imaginary friend? Is DeLay making a bid for an insanity plea?