Thursday, May 18, 2006

People Seemed to Enjoy Dennis Hastert in a Chicken Suit, so Here's Katherine Harris Dressed as a Penguin


PWhit said...

I'd much rather her body with a penguins head.
But that's just me....

Unknown said...

This is such a the penquins.

Karen Zipdrive said...

That's one mean looking pengie.

Shelly said...

I think it is actually a penquin dressed as Katherine Harris. I think I am going to be her for Halloween this year. Should scare the shit out of all the little kiddies and liberals that come to the door.
You know, conservatives are too fucking cheap to do halloween.
They like to play off their cheapness as "God-fearing" Funny how Jesus freaks are the cheapest bastards on the planet...
Its true. They balk on all the fun holidays cause they just don't want to buy shit.
Im serious about this theory....