The Pink Pony is featured this morning, for what seems like the fifth or sixth time, in the "Blog Log" in the Washington Post's daily Express free commuter tabloid. So when do I stop feeling flattered and start feeling like a regular, unpaid content provider for a commercial publication?*
Speaking of which, the Express is now a local blog, and a pretty good one, so no hard feelings, OK?
*Plus, can I refer to myself as "frequent contributor to the Washington Post" yet?
UPDATE: I guess the above could be taken as ungrateful. I'm happy, though, to be featured in the Express, and I'm actually very happy they're blogging now, as it's pretty hard to find any serious discussions about local politics... anywhere, really.
Congrats PSP..as long as they spell your name right and the link is right..seems your humble photoblog has arrived :)
Pretty cool. Let's hope it leads to big, big things.
Sure. If Condi can be Sec of Staaate, anything is possible...
If I were you, I'd send them an invoice.
I'll bet Aravosis is stomping his little Gucci loafer over this.
Way to go, Princess.
If John McCain and Condi run as a ticket in 2008 and win, I think Sparkle Pony should be their press secretary. Can you just imagine how much fun that would be?!/!1
darling, you're being paid in increased traffic and attention. Now capitalize on it!
When will the princess sparkle pony t-shirts be availabe? I want one!
Princess, please do not accept any offer to be on WaPo's payroll. We need our Princess to maintain her regal independence.
Um, Kitten, hello? Sparkle Pony merch list on the right!
And blue gal, several people have asked me if I would go "pro" blogger, and the answer is no. First of all, I have an awesome job I love, and more importantly, there's just no job security on the internet. Too scary.
Freelance contributor blogging... oh, hell yes, I'd certainly do that. But I could never do anything like Gawker or Wonkette... 12 posts a day? That's really a lot.
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