Thursday, May 18, 2006

Hastert: Fiscal Responsibility "Not an Option"

Uhhh... I think Speaker Hastert needs to work on his word choice a little, because his press release touting his remarks about the budget starts off sounding a little more accurate than he perhaps intended:
"Make no mistake about it: Fiscal responsibility is not an option in this House of Representatives."
First I thought, wow, that's some self-awareness! But then I read the rest and discovered that what he really thinks he means is that fiscal responsibility is compulsory and even desirable for Republicans.

Since when?


Lulu Maude said...

My parents are rolling in their graves. My grandpa may come back from the dead to beat the shit out of these con-servatives.

Superb fashion statement, SP.

Karen Zipdrive said...

Hastert accidentally said what he believed was true, then got caught, then tried to correct himself.
Typical Republican.

Esri Rose said...

Aw...look at his little chubby fingers! That left hand in particular is doing a coy little Republican cha-cha. "I said that, but I meant this!"

Unknown said...

Ah..the ol freudian slip perhaps?

Love that shot of our favorite fat fuck.