Friday, May 26, 2006

Friday Ugly Tour Bus Photoblogging

The above bus (click the pics for bigger!) isn't really that ugly, but it perfectly sums up my feelings about a lot of the visitors to our fair city. They stand on the left on escalators; they walk around in what appear to be their pajamas; they strap fanny packs to their bodies when there's an entire industry dedicated to providing attractive bags to the world... oh, it goes on and on. Worst of all, though, they bring their small children to DC and think they'll enjoy it. Listen, people, you might think that history comes alive in The District, but you're wrong; history is dead, dead, dead here, and it'll bore the living daylights out of your toddler.

On the other hand, it's nice to see that the people who used to design Ocean Pacific shirts in the 1970s have found gainful employment in the 21st Century:

And on a totally unrelated note, have you seen the Aravosisblog? LMAO.


Unknown said...

OP shirts..good lawd.

Is he misbehaving again? I haven't been there since his Harris breakdown.

Children need a leash law..flat out truth.

Unknown said...

Oh shit a parody..and damn good too!!! :)

Sarah Letnes said...

There are so many stupid people breeding. Just because their two-year-old is smarter than they are, doesn't mean their little darlings are capable of appreciating/understanding anything more complex and less spastic than an episode of Teletubbies.

Karen Zipdrive said...

Loved Aravosisblog!!

Kaufman said...

"Fanny packs." That's funny. A "fanny" is available only on a woman's anatomy where I come from. More often than not one must make an appointment and pay up front to rummage there.

Anonymous said...

I've been traveling and I missed this when it came out.
Aravosisblog,I can't stop laughing. It's so true. I thought I was the only one who suspected the guy was a little stuck on him self.