You may have noticed yesterday that I'm a little grossed out by the stories swirling around the suburbs of blogadelphia, and a little bored with Condi. Today, as a change of pace, I decided to break with politics and provide you all with a simple list of links to things I love. These should keep you from getting bored all day. I'll be adding to this post throughout the day. Enjoy!
- I was obsessed with Wacky Packages (see above) when I was a young pony in Tucson, Arizona. Here is the most exhaustive site on the brilliant bubblegum cards. I still have my entire collection, and way later, I made several myself (here, here and here, for instance).
- If I had to pick my favorite musician, I'd have a hard time choosing between Les Baxter and Nurse with Wound. Go here to read my frustratingly brief interview with Mr. Baxter, and here to explore tamboo.com's excellent Baxter discography. Then head over to brainwashed.com to find all about Nurse with Wound.
- Pony Pal™ Earl Cootie writes about two things I generally dislike: birds and nature. Nevertheless, I just love his blog. I especially loved this post in which adorable Earl has a hilarious argument with his own big toe. Great stuff!
- Speaking of Wacky Packages (wow, I really hit a nerve with that link!) and Garbage Pail Kids, former WP artist and GPK creator Mark Newgarden is an acquaintance of mine, and he has a fabulous new book out, although I'm a little sad that the picture of my Newgarden-designed tattoo got cut from the volume. Also, if you want to laugh really hard, check out his public service announcement about the dangers of cartoons.
- When I discovered John Waters' films as a teenager, it was a huge relief, because then I knew that I wasn't alone in the universe. Check out dreamlandnews.com for an incredibly thorough, monthly updated guide to everything Waters related.
- I'm sure most of you know about the Peter Pan Guy, but when's the last time you really took the time to look through his beyond-fabulous fashion pages? I totally approve of Mr. Constan, because to those of us who march to the beat of a different drummer, he's the majorette at the front of the parade twirling the flaming batons.
UPDATE: My tattooed calf, featuring Newgarden's "em" saying hi! Shot in the photo studios of the National Gallery of Art!

And last but not least, if you would really, honestly, truly like to see the fake "singing butthole" card, listed above and tastefully obscured in the above linked image, click this link: DANGER! UNSAFE FOR WORK AND MOST HOMES. UPDATE: Image removed due to obsessive, creepy Googling.
Ha ha! Wacky Packages were/are awesome. There are two new series that just came out over the past few years. Not as funny as the originals, but still worth picking up. Oh yeah, your Wacky Pack creations are funny too! Can't wait to show them to the bf.
Hey I'm from Tucson too! Given the amazingly small percentage of groovy and excellent people from our little pueblo, is it possible we have met in the meatosphere?
I dunno, sommer... Tucson High School class of '83!
Hmm, probably I am too young for us to have met, though maybe we know some of the same people. University High class of '98 here.
I loved Wacky Packages, too.
Unfortunately, back in the 70's during an LSD-induced cleaning frenzy, I threw all mine out.
OMG, I totally loved Wacky Packages too!!! There was some lesser brand as well, but they were definitely inferior to the WPs... My entire room was covered in the stickers. (Alas, I didn't have the hairstylist foresight you did in saving them to become collectable at that point in my life...)
I have never heard of these things..what a freaking trip.
I recently found my reduced collection of Wacky Packs from the mid-80's. Can you believe that these harmless, if often gross, cards had the capacity to send parents into a tizzy? Oh, but they did.
For other 70's/80's "schlock down memoribilia lane," if you've not gone to X-Entertainment, you're missing out. They have a bunch of Wacky Pack retrospectives, but it looks like they're having image hosting problems.
Nonetheless, some amusing articles, and their 80's commercial archives are without peer. Then again, who'd really collect them anyway? And their review of the Garbage Pail Kids movie (yes, you heard me) still makes kool-aid come out of my nose. And speaking of Kool-Aid, there's an entire flavor hall of fame. I mean, Sharkleberry Fin was too classic to let fade into obscurity, wasn't it?
I love PSP's packs. I used to make up my own too, but I never made images for them. Hmmmm...
Oh, the Garbage Pail Kids movie is an absolute masterpiece... my favorite
Anthony Newley movie by a longshot. So good.
Thanks for the PonyPalTM Earl Cootie link. I'm not big on flower pictures either, but it's a nice site.
I'd like to see a week of crazy Katherine Harris if you've looking for someone to rag on....especially focusing on her need to arm herself with Howitzers in one of the safest DC neighborhoods. That would be fun.
I love, love, love Katherine Harris, but Wonkette has been doing an absolutely awesome job "covering" her, so I'll defer to them on all Harris matters. Check them out for tons of excellent Katherine shots!
Ooops....I totally meant Kay Bailey Hutchison...they're both from Texas with glamour shots on their websites.....you can see how I'd easily be confused.
Hmmmm... she is beguiling. I've featured her before, but perhaps she does merit some further attention. She's got that Texas hair goin' on hardcore. For real, yo.
Kay Bailey Hutchison was a cheerleader in college, just like Bush.
Unlike Bush, she's actually from Texas, but she's just as corrupt as the pinheaded carpetbagger.
I get a lot of hits for "Free MP3 Captain and Tennille". Being rather older than you, I was obsessed with "Mars Attacks" cards. I didn't know anyone else who collected them. When Tim Burton made the movie version of the cards, my entire youth was justified.
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