U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) (L) takes a photo of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice prior to her appearance before a Senate Appropriations hearing on State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs on Capitol Hill in Washington March 28, 2006. REUTERS/Jim YoungOMG, it's all just too meta for me. The Ferragamo Princess, by the way, had a totally boring day, where she had to, you know, beg for money from Congress 'n' stuff. God, can't she just send an instant message or something?
It's a pretty run-of-the-mill Condiweek, though. Let's cross our fingers for some more hot dueling podium and matching armchair action later in the week.
UPDATE: Neither dueling podiums nor matching armchairs, but it turned into an exciting Condiweek afterall.
Her Royal Highness begging for money. No! They don't show this on C-span but I have it from top super secret authority that her Majesty walks into the appropriations hearing cloaked in velvety robes with the finest red carpet at her feet. Senate trumpeteers sound her arrival. Everyone stands. Bows. The light illuminating from her presence truly surrounds everyone in the chamber. Right when she approaches the table twenty of the purest white doves take to flight. (Dick Cheney stands on the White House balcony and shoots them...but back to the illustration) She raises the royal right hand and silences all in attendance. She speaks with sound of a thousand songbirds.
Senators jump at the chance to throw money her way. Some from their own pockets.
She gets what she desires and as she leaves, red and yellow rose petals are thrown at her perfect feet as she is wisked away in a pearl white carriage pulled by 3 white stallions.
That is how she gets her appropriations on....
I thought she just gave Frist some head..silly me..
He doesn't like the gap in her teeth...
I'm surprised she didn't tell Leahy to go fuck himself. I mean, isn't that the traditional greeting from GOP bigwigs to Leahy?
I thought it was pretty interesting that Sen. Leahy was taking a picture after she bit him. (See bandage on his right hand.) Perhaps he was documenting her dental pattern.
Lulu...you crack me up. And all I was wondering was how she got her right hand up on her shoulder like that. Bad teeth, bad arm, I dunno.
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