Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Gay Marriage Causes Bird Flu, Madonna Unavailable for Comment

OMG, I just read about how hairdressers marrying each other totally causes bird flu, so now I'm all confused.

This news comes from Rabbi David Basri in Jerusalem, who pointed to the scriptures and said, like, DUH:
"The Bible says that God punishes depravity first through plagues against animals and then in people," Basri said in a religious edict quoted by his son.
So who is this guy Basri, anyway? He's one of the big shots in the Kabbalah world, so this is sure to cause some awkward moments at Madonna's dinner parties in the coming weeks. Poor girl, just when she thought she had it all figured out. Tsk.

Besides, divine wrath is just soooo downmarket. Please! It's a handy example, though, of the ability to blame absolutely anything on hairdressers if you try hard enough.

UPDATE: Oops, I guess that Madonna joke was too obvious.


Unknown said...

Pathetic bunch of friggin beady-eyed bastards.

Karen Zipdrive said...

"The Bible says that God punishes depravity first through plagues against animals and then in people,"

That would explain Barbara Bush's Graves disease or whatever she has that makes her look like a bug eyed, hatchet-faced ogre.