As you can see, it was a formal affair this evening in India. I'm declaring Condi's dress to be gorgeous... sorry, no snark there. I'm guessing it's Oscar de La Renta, her fave designer. But can we please talk about crazy-eyes Laura's dress? WTF is that? Quick, let's look at more pictures:

Damn, what the heck is that thing? Is that Laura Ashley? Does it have translucent arms? Laura, honey... really. Also, here's the worst. accessory. EVER:

Dang, let's look at Condi again:

George! Put your eyes back in your head, sir!
That's what it known in fashion circles as a frumpy shirtwaist. The wife has to wear it. Breeder rules.
Laura Bush just needs a loony hat like Queen Elizabeth wears! One with an animal pelt draped around it.
Ugly, ugly, ugly, inside and out. so is condi, despite her fancy schmancy shmata.
The Shrub is looking a tad wolfish at Condi..but then, if you had to lay next to Laura "Cheshire Grin" Bush, wouldn't you? Is there something in the water over there that makes them all smile like they have coathangers in their mouths?
you light up my life
you give me strength
Miss Pony, EXCUSE ME but Condi's dress is soo 1985 plus whattabout that thing around her tummy? (see 1st pic). Security device? Hidden agenda? HaHaHa.
Mrs. B's dress is believe it or not adequate. They are not at Cinderellas ball...After all, they are guests and not at a gameshow.
Unfortunatly you can't compare and contrast with the lovely dresses the Indian women were probably wearing.
1. I agree, Laura's smock is simply horrid. Makes her look like she's got a beer belly.
2. I sadly disagree with you, Miss Pony, Condi's gown is ill-fitting and that tarp she's using as a wrap is simply hideous.
Maybe it's Oscar de LowRenta.
Laura's dress looked much better before she rolled in that ash-tray.
Condi's dress is beautiful. Really. Condi? Not so much. Trust me. I'm gay.
I am sorry. There is nothing "okay" about Laura's frock. N-thin'. Really. It makes her look fatter and crazier than she is.
The thought of the Bushes making love together fills me with a sense of righteous justice.
I think Condi's got a gun in her bodice. Seriously. I know it's not her rock-hard abs. I saw her work out. It is beautiful except for whatever that bulge is. And she's definitely not overdressed; everyone else has formal attire on. Even Laura Bush's Laura Ashley seems to be evening wear.
Jesus, it does look like a tarp now that you mention it KZ. And laura looks like she's staring off into space.
We're all doomed. Laura is SO OBVIOUSLY about 2 weeks away from the total crack-up in which she takes her favorite pair of pinking shears to Dubya while he sleeps. And you know who that leaves in charge.
Meanwhile, I give a thumbs-up to Condi's gown.
Osacr de la LOW Renta.....hahahahahahahaha
I'm with you, KZ
Ditto Isabelita.
High Rent garbage bags
Laura's dress is simply made up of one of those "cross your eyes and refocus so you can see the hidden 3-D picture" fabrics.
Any suggestions as to what the hidden picture on her dress is?
I guess we can call Laura the First Lady of Frumpitude. Notice that the garment skims over her body to give no indication of gender. It's the equivalent of a Ken doll's smooth crotch, that dress is.
Condi's dress is superficially nice. But yeah, something's off with the fit.
And, with all due respect to the aesthetically inclined, I suspect that in India it's a good idea for a woman to cover her arms when she goes out. Laura just cut corners by opting against a sassy accessory.
If Condi's dress was on Project Runway, Tim Gunn would look at it, frown and say, "Hmmm, I'm not sure about the fit, Andre."
The fabric is nice but it's not a good fit. Looks like it was bought off the rack at ChaCha's Promwear.
Condi's dress is okay, but that wrap . . . WTF? Looks like something a jawa salvaged from the sand people. Someone steal it and use it to cover up Laura.
Still laughing about Oscar de LowRenta. I agree about Condi's dress (except for that unfortunate growth she seems to have in pic one), but I got to tell you that wrap is more Oscar de la TENTA. It looks like she forgot her coat so one of the secret services folks through a wool blanket to her.
My boss says she took it off a FEMA trailer. Do I have a great job, or what?
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