Sunday, February 12, 2006

Sometimes Satire Just Writes Itself

UPDATE: Editor and Publisher reveals that if it hadn't been for a lone Texas reporter, the White House may have never admitted that... you know... the Vice President had shot a man.

In other words, if the Vice President nearly commits manslaughter in the woods and nobody is around to hear it, does it still make a sound? That the question may be seriously posed speaks volumes about this administration.

UPDATE 2: Here's Mary Matalin speaking to the Washington Post about her boss:
"He felt badly, obviously. On the other hand, he was not careless or incautious or violate any of the [rules]. He didn't do anything he wasn't supposed to do."
Um, Ms. Matalin! You're not supposed to shoot your fellow hunters!


Anonymous said...

Wow --

I didn't know it was Lawyer Season yet! See, folks, this is what happens when you place large phallic symbols in the hands of doughy, pasty, and impotent middle-aged men.

Civic Center said...

There's a classic Philip K. Dick novel called "The Man in the High Castle," written in the 1950s and set in San Francisco. It takes place soon after the end of World War II except the Japanese and the Germans have won, with the Japanese turning out to be fairly benign masters and the Germans scorched-earth monsters.

The ending (SPOILER ALERT!) has the main character throwing the I Ching and realizing that the Japanese and the Germans hadn't really won the war, and that he was stuck in an alternate universe. I've been feeling the same way ever since Dubya's folks stole the 2000 election, that this reality couldn't possibly be true, it was so insane and absurd. Cheney quail-shooting his lawyer feels like the final clue that it's all just a bad alternate universe we're stuck in.

the Alpha John said...

This news cycle makes my boy parts go up and down.

AR said...

its like the sparkle pony angels dropped down from heaven and gave us a sparkly treat. this is the best story ever.

Peteykins said...

I know "The Man in the High Castle" well, and I totally agree.

I wonder how things are in the universe where Presidnet Gore's running the show?

Anonymous said...

Unfortunatly, they will probably make a movie out of "The Man in the High Castle" and then make Harrison Ford, or Aharnold, or Tom Cruise, or Ben Afflak star in it and people will wonder how come Hollywood keeps making P.K. Dick movies. I think they are doing A Scanner Darkly... (IMDB search) Why yes, they are.. with Keanu Reeves.

Karen Zipdrive said...

Middle aged?
It was cold in Texas this weekend- do you think Cheney may have been nipping at a flask of Jack Daniels before he shot his buddy?

Anonymous said...

It was a mercy killing, euthanasia the Texas way...

Unknown said...

Best gun and cheney pic on the web..I have been looking all day..well not all day but a good part of it.

kudos Ms.Pony!

Karen Zipdrive said...

I'll bet the White House wouldn't be so damn easy and breezy about the shooting if Whittington had shot Cheney.

Laura said...

That Mary can spin ANYTHING, can't she?

Trying to figure out if it'd be worse if he shot an old, wealthy Republican lawyer in the chest (which he did) or shot any of us? I mean, no one really cares about us, but frankly if it were I, I'd press charges against his corrupt ass. Does the think that his steamrolling VP powers apply to the open range? Let's ask the guy he shot as soon as he gets out of ICU!

Oh wait, did you say the CIA reads your blog?!? Oh shit...sorry about that rant; don't wiretap me!