From Robin Givhan's deconstruction of the tie Cheney wore for his Fox interview:
Cheney's pink four-in-hand registered in the manner of pigtails on a gangsta rapper. In the parlance of hip-hop, the look is full of macho swagger and the not-so-subtle suggestion that even with the hairdo of a pre-adolescent girl, the rapper is still the toughest thing standing in the room. The incongruous sartorial flourish is a display of irony and confidence.Ummm... What? OK, so read the whole article, and discover that what Robin's saying is that pink is the color of contrition, except for the times when it isn't. I get it! The color is meaningless; to determine the attitude of the person wearing it, you have to... um... determine the attitude of the person wearing it.
Whether he intended it to do so or not, Cheney's pink tie came across as a mocking nod to the culture's well-trod -- and often absurd -- path to forgiveness after a public debacle: Pass through the valley of silence. Turn right at the big pit of self-righteousness. Wallow in spotlit contrition. Be sure not to look sweaty and shifty-eyed on camera. ("Oprah" appearance optional.)
Could somebody please fetch Ms. Givhan her pills?
I thought the pink tie was the ultimate phallic symbol.
By wearing it, he was saying, "Yeah, I'm Big Dick, so don't mess with me unless your tie is bigger."
Pink is also the color of some prisons..it's suppose to be a calming color..lol.keep the masses of child molesters and gangsters calm and quiet.
In AZ they make the prisoners wear pink underwear.I shit you not dear Pony..don't ask me how I know..please..
I know about the pink underwear! Didn't that crazy Sherrif do that?
Can we PLEASE see this guy in a 'fro..............
Sheriff Joe Arpaio is definitely crazy.
the pink tie is just part of the top secret government plan "Operation Hypno-Ties", which goes under the assumption that you can tell the public anything as long as you're wearing the right color of tie.
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