The article reveals that at least two people have died, but never mind that, people, there are fast food franchises hurting! Remember, when they attack KFC, they attack us all.
And if I may be allowed a metablogging interlude, yesterday's big Condi coiffure fakeout got treated with appropriate gravitas by the cool new kids at Wonkette. I'm glad I'm not the only one who stops dead in his tracks for important, breaking hairdo news. I'm not alone! Hooray!
And speaking of not being alone, boy did spotting this on Sitemeter give me a thrill:

EOP? That's the White House, baby, ridin' the Pink Pony! Wheee! You just know it's Karl laughing at the funny Condipics.
wow wee..and they stuck around your site for over two and a half minutes..kudos to you!
all i get is the DOJ and CIA..dammit.
awesome lady....awesome....I know I tingle every time I see dc.gov.....day dreams of Carol run through my head.
EOP, that's big time baby! And 2 1/2 minutes. Wow!!!! And to think the Clinton White House only wasted their time on the computer by taking the "W"s off their keyboards!!!!
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