Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Brokeback Mountain Joke of the Day

Seriously... two sparkley hooves WAY up for the hysterical Willie Nelson parody Apple posted on iTunes yesterday. Titled awkwardly and hilariously "Cowboys are Frequently Secretly (Fond of Each Other)", iTunes plays it straight, the way parody works best, and actually claims the song really is by Willie Nelson, and not a clever, tasteless satirist. Kudos to Nelson, too, for gamely playing along with the gag.

Honestly, I almost thought it was real.


Unknown said...

After all..Willie smokes he has a sense of humor, unlike the coke fiend in the oval office.

Karen Zipdrive said...

The Village People used the cowboy as a gay archetype back in the 70's. Willie's secure enough in his heterosexuality to give a little nod to his gay compadres.