Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The Bad Hat Menace has Passed

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, right, greets Fukushiro Nukaga, Chief, Defense Agency of Japan, Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2006, at the Department of State in Washington. (AP Photo/Haraz N. Ghanbari)
As you can see, things have returned to normal for Condi's hairdo, so I've lowered the Hairdo Alert back down to 'guarded'. But just because she isn't sporting an ugly hat, that doesn't mean the rest of her wardrobe followed suit. I mean... what is that skirt? I also don't think the mismatched beiges thing is working out too well. Check out the Ferragamos though; there's always a silver lining for Princess Condi!


Unknown said...

beige is so her color..wishy-washy and bland.

Anonymous said...

Isn't that the collar made popular by Flashdance?

Brit said...

Yeah, what's with those collars? That's the second time this week she's worn a jacket with a collar like that.

Anonymous said...

And haven't we seen those chairs somewhere before? Do they travel with her or what?

Karen Zipdrive said...

She is actually wearing the entire beige color spectrum. Taupe, sand and toast just don't mix.
And if the toes of your stilletos turn up with more than an inch of crawl space under them- THEY DON'T FIT.
Some liberal at Ferragamo really stuck it to Condi this time. She needs to shop at PayLess, where the staff is part of her base.