Reuters' Larry Downing had himself a reg'lar Condistravaganza at the Heritage Foundation earlier today, merrily taking picture after picture of the happy Princess in her most friendliest surroundings. Yes, sir, Secretary Ferragamotoes was in rare form. Read her lips:

Democracy in the Middle East! Oh, behave!

My special favorite, the "I'm Compassionateâ„¢" :

Whoah! And take a look at that hairdo! That's getting a little abstract. I'm interested.
UPDATE: Pony Palâ„¢ Brit would like to point out Condi's freshly coiffed eyebrows, and now I've got a whole new part of her face to obsess over. She better be careful or those brows will become but a whistful memory.
Home perm! Home perm! I bet Condi's stylist is on vacation. You know, I don't know whey she's bothering to stick around, everyone is out on Use or Lose at the moment. Grrrl, get yourself to Dubai and go skiiing, get a tan, find a man.
Looks like Condi got her brows waxed, too. How does that rank on the alert system?
WOOHOO! I'm a Pony Pal now!
Also (last one, I swear) she looks a bit like Eartha Kitt in that second picture. Meeeeooow!
Jebus, Princess Peteyk...uh...erm...uh...Sparkle Pony, U R seriously teh funay (this is my first visit to this blog). Why not share more of this side of you in FARK PS threads?
She needs to Botox that forehead before someone tries to breed her with another Shar Pei.
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