Friday, December 30, 2005

Paul Krugman Sees Dead People

You really should read Paul Krugman's last column (Times Select*), which quickly explains the real theory behind the Bush administration's desire to bankrupt the federal government, and uses a horror movie metaphor to boot.

It dovetails so neatly into Treasury Secretary John Snow's (pictured above) request to raise the government's borrowing limit, because, you know, 8.18 trillion dollars simply isn't enough.

Somebody told me once that "Conservative" used to mean "fiscal responsibility", but clearly this is an urban myth.

*What? You don't suscribe to Times Select? That's OK, nobody else does, either. Go here to read the column for free. It's OK, Paul doesn't mind. "Starve the Beast" indeed!

Also, isn't Paul Krugman adorable?


Karen Zipdrive said...

Krugman is an adorable writer,and he has very kind eyes.
I read somewhere that the GOP likes to run us into deep debt until they get thrown from office, then they leave the Democrats to repair the debt, they they repeat the cycle.
True Republicans should stand against that policy, but they don't. One more reason to heap scorn upon them.

Anonymous said...

PLEASE say this wasn't Paul's "last" column, but merely his "latest..."

Also, the only thing that bothers me about Krugman is that, adorable as he is, he is definitely approaching late middle-age.

And he's only six months older than me.

When did *I* get old?

Kate P

Anonymous said...

He's dreamy!