Thursday, December 29, 2005

Naughty Europeans

I thought this story about the pornographic posters of Bush, Chirac and Queen Elizabeth which popped up all over Vienna on the eve of Austria's taking over of the presidency of the EU was highly amusing. But like 98% of the people reading about it, I thought, "I wanna see!"

Well, it wasn't easy, especially since the web site of the group who sponsored the posters seems to have been either taken down or overwhelmed. But with a little perserverance, I found a little reproduction.

You're welcome!


TexasYankee said...

looks like Bush needs a training bra for those budding breastages!

Karen Zipdrive said...

Bush with tits taking it doggy style from Queen E who's taking it DS from Chirac? I dunno.
They should just have Bush doing it to a globe, while QE looks on approvingly as she stands on Chirac's head while wearing stilettos.

Karen Zipdrive said...

P.S. Your Bloh sure attracts a lot of Texans.

Karen Zipdrive said...

Blog, not bloh. Ooops.