Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Inside Barbie Graib

Just a quickie: read this article about Barbie torture and wonder to yourself about Americans' attitudes toward torture in general.

It reminds me of a coworker's adorable eleven-year-old daughter who I met last week. She said to me, "Oh, are you the person who made Barbie scream?" I said, somewhat sheepishly, "Uhhh... yes." She replied, "That was VERY good," and then proceeded to burst into song! Her edgy tune was all about hating Barbie, decapitating her (I'm not making this up), and then flushing her down the toilet... all to the tune of "Joy to the World". I wanted to immediately adopt.

Have girls had enough of Barbie? Is her half-century-long reign of terror coming to an end? Well, we can hope, can't we?


Anonymous said...

Dear Princess,
In the late 70's, my daughters burned their Barbie's necks with cigarettes and shaved their heads, then hung their naked Barbies from their Barbie Dream house. The called it Barbie Auschwitz, and it was under the aupices of their Darth Vadar doll. Nothing new! They were just sick of their dolls and everything they stood for...and they grew up semi-normal!

Anonymous said...

What about the Bratz dolls? If they have more attitude, are girls less likely to identify with the aggressor, and be less likely to attack them? And what place would Bratz Boyz have in this?

If I had owned a My Buddy doll, I certainly would have inflicted extreme ultraviolence on it...

Karen Zipdrive said...

Those Bratz dolls also come with optional skanky panties that come in three scents: yeast, penicillin or mackerel.