Thursday, December 22, 2005

I'll Trade You a Garfield for Three Johnsons

I was thrilled to hear that W just signed a thingy for a new series of presidential dollar coins nobody will use. Starting in 2007, each president who has been dead for long enough* will get his turn to be mounted in a garish commemorative wall hanging from Walmart. And the first ladies will appear on special gold coins. But this info from the Associated Press' transcribed press release kinda stuck out:
The bill also creates a gold bullion coin program bearing images of former first ladies and emblems of their causes on $10 coins. Companion coins for those presidents who had no spouse will show images of liberty and themes of the presidents' tenures. The coins will be 99.99 percent pure gold.
OK... number of presidents who had no spouse: 1, James Buchanon, until recently widely considered the worst. president. EVER. It'll be a real stretch to come up with something for his "companion" coin. His hairdresser, maybe?

*Four coins will be issued a year, in order, and the president must have been dead for two years. Ford's is scheduled for 2016, so he'll probably make it onto one of 'em, as will Carter and Bush senior. But the rest of them are scheduled for 2017, so Clinton and Bush the lesser will probably die coinless.


Anonymous said...

I bet he just couldn't think of anything else to get his cold, dissapproving mother. He had to do something Daddy didn't think of, and something his smarter but even more odious brother couldn't do.

Karen Zipdrive said...

Here's hoping I can buy my commemorative Bush 43 coin on December 23, 2007.

Unknown said...

hey i dream about W dying coinless..would serve his dumbass right.

Anonymous said...

"dead for long enough"?

Just how big is a $10 99.99 coin anyway?

the Alpha John said...

I had the opposite thought on this, as aspiring eurotrash I've wanted coins to replace small bills for 10 years. I'm hoping this is the only good thing stupid Reagan does for us, but I did blog about it last week.

Karen Zipdrive said...

I think they should put Dubya's face on the penny, then phase it out.

Unknown said...

the two dollar bill would be nice KZ..or that crappy dollar coin they put susan b anthony on.

Anonymous said...

Why cant the Treasury Department just come out already and issue $3 gold dubloon for Buchanan? Or, at least have Liberty depicted as John Brown in drag? (Harpers Ferry raid took place under his watch)

Anonymous said...

Companion coins for those presidents who had no spouse will show images of liberty

It's almost as if they're equating marriage with some form of slavery or bondage...