Just kidding. They're actually leading a superimportant-sounding town hall meeting for public diplomacy staff members (pep talk for PR flacks).

What fun! I'm so glad best-friends-FOREVER Condi 'n' Karen have these little projects to keep them busy.
REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
They just look so darn happy - like they just discovered a new detergent that makes their whites even brighter!
And they are soaking in it.
There's nothing quite as exhilarating as being summarily dismissed by Karen Hughes. She came into my place of employment today, sporting a lavender tee shirt and those icy baby blues. I looked up innocently: can I help you find anything ma'am? Taking a moment to register that I, too, appeared to be a human similar to herself, she replied "No, I've found it myself," then continued searching for the item. Never in my life could I have dreamed I would be blown off by such a great dame. I shall replay the moment over and over forever.
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