Friday, July 15, 2005

Friday Ugly Tour Bus Photoblogging #3

Yay, it's Friday! That means it's time to prove that this is, once a week, an actual photo blog. If anybody finds this feature confusing, think of it as a "making a silk purse out of a sow's ear" kinda deal. Here in DC, these rolling eyesores are everywhere, so I've taken it upon myself to attempt to find some kind of beauty in them. Here's today's:

Don't be fooled: This was an especially unattractive bus. I honestly don't know what's going on in their minds when they say, "Yes, green, yellow and baby-poo color swooshes will really dress this thing up." Click on the picture for the gigantic high-res version.


John Whiteside said...

This feature always reminds me how strange it is, after two decades in Boston and DC, to live in a town with absolutely no tourists. None. I mean, nobody ever says, "Screw Paris, let's take that dream vacation in Houston!" No families decked out in matching Cheers t-shirts (like Boston). No station wagons from Indiana stopping the middle of Independence Avenue to say, "Oh my god, honey, it's the Capitol! Right here on Capitol Hill!" And of course no ugly tour buses.

It's kind of nice, actually.

Civic Center said...

I like your ugly bus photos. This latest is quite beautiful (not the bus, but the photo). Continue, please.

42 said...

I like the buses that say "Lamers" on em. oh and the ones in Germany that say "Fücker"