Let's start with the obvious parody, but presented with fantastic drollery: "Forget Me Not" panties, which supposedly carry "sensor chips" which enable men to track their potentially wayward spouses, girlfriends or daughters. I especially love the testimonial page. An excerpt:
When my daughter hit puberty I nearly had a heart attack. She started looking like a woman and suddenly she was wearing revealing clothing and staying out late with her friends.Next up, and much weirder, we have In-Souls, best described as God's Odor Eaters:
Rather than become an over-protective parent , I decided to try forget-me-not panties™

That's right! You, too, can trample the words of Jesus 24 hours a day! But are they real, or is this another hilarious parody? True, there's a suspicious inability to order the In-Souls online, but this one is wacky enough to possibly be genuine.
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