First of all, I think Prickly City's awful, awful artwork is enough to exile it forever to the land of wind and ghosts. More importantly, though... what the heck is it doing in the comics section? Clearly this is editorial cartooning; the strip never wavers from its partisan Republican goals. Most papers, including the Post, banished Doonesbury from the funny pages long ago, because they felt the strip was too political, too controversial, and would fit more happily elsewhere in the paper. I have no problem with this. So what's different about Prickly City?
Plus, if I want GOP talking points, I'll look at the Washington Times.
Why are right wing comics so incredibly unfunny? When the Boston Globe started running "Mallard Fillmore," to balance its liberal reputation I suppose, within days it became clear that the strips basically went like this:
"Hi Mallard!"
"Oh my God, stupid liberals!"
The end.
This looks even clunkier. Here's an interesting bit of feedback on it from a newspaper in Spokane that carries it.
Enough is enough. The recnt strips that compare stem cell research to murdering 12 year olds is beyond offensive. It's time for Prickly City to slide back into the southern conservative cesspool from whence it emerged.
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