Monday, June 27, 2005

Dear PARADE Magazine:

To the editors:

I was reading your magazine yesterday because I was going long distances on the Metro and, you know, I would have read a cereal box if I had one. But anyway, you know that inside-front-cover feature? The one where people ask questions about celebrities? Well, I thought it was really strange yesterday that one of your readers asked what Alan Greenspan thought of Bush's Social Security plan.* Since when are economic policy questions answered in this column? Isn't this usually the place where people ask whatever happened to Bea Arthur or who's Ben Affleck dating now?

The answer to the question was... interesting. It turns out that Greenspan, who we should all trust, thinks that we need to get comfortable with the idea of our SS benefits getting cut.

Who writes this stuff? Oh, yeah! It's Edward Klein! You know, the guy who just wrote "The Truth (sic) About Hillary"! You know, if he wasn't such a... um... prestigious author, I'd guess that this was a totally faked question, inserted into Parade Magazine as another favor to the GOP, since their SS plan is falling on such deaf ears amongst the very groups most likely to read Parade Magazine.

But I'm not that cynical.


Princess Sparkle Pony

*Pony Pals™: Did any of you save Parade from yesterday? I meant to save mine, but the heat got to me. Can one of you helpful darlins scan it for me, so that I can post it here?

1 comment:

Peteykins said...


Well, Invisible one, "Walter Scott" is a brand name of sorts, and Mr. Klein really is the author of it these days. That's way more scandalous than any dumb Hillary book, if you ask me!