This past Sunday, I witnessed a remarkable performance by Mary Matalin on Meet the Press which greatly impressed me. Why? She was spinning so fast and recklessly that I'm surprised she didn't bore a hole straight through to China.
Give her points for consistency, I guess: The hold up on Bolton's nomination? Democratic obstructionism. Tom DeLay's woes? Democratic "politics of personal destruction." Pat Robertson saying that US judges were worse than the Taliban? Well, criticising that is pure "Democratic demagoguery." Even host Tim Russert --Tim Russert!-- was wide-eyed in disbelief at that last one. I'm sure if he had ventured, "I heard a Republican made a mistake 30 years ago," she would have replied, "Impossible. That's typical Democratic demonization."
Wasn't Matalin once more shrewd, more composed (if misguided)? I don't remember her being so crazy-eyed and shrill. I was disappointed that nobody other than Media Matters took her to task for her insane rantings. Finally, today, my favorite watchdogs, CJR online (have I convinced you to bookmark them yet?), tore her a new one. Give it a look!
I'll say one thing for her: The woman works hard for her money!
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