Tuesday, May 24, 2005

"Get a Life."

Yes, that's a real quote from Andy Puzder, CEO of Carl's Jr., in response to the Parents Television Council, the wacky Christian nutjobs who just launched a ridiculous attack on their sexy hamburger ads.

And ironic, too, since Carl's Jr. founder Carl Karcher used to be known as a friendly moneybags to various right-wing causes, especially anti-abortion ones. Karcher is no longer involved with running the company, but even so, it must be extra-galling for the PTC to be told to "get a life" by a company which used to be so closely allied with their types.

And, naturally, this is because corporate America knows that sex will always sell, and even the most hysterically Hannitized Republican frat boy isn't going to argue that point. This is yet another case of one of these companies (like Microsoft, recently) getting just a little... over... these pesky fundamentalist 'watchdogs' nipping at their heels.

Get a life, indeed!

The once frolicsome fundies are having a tough month, aren't they?

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